Project Manager

Do you feel burdened by the amount of work or projects you have to carry out? Do you feel like a failure becos if you look around you, there are so so many abandoned projects jeering at you? Or are you so so confident that you can do the one you’re working on to perfection but you don’t know what the future holds? Its time to stop , look and listen…………. God says “trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path…proverbs 3:5-6……….maybe you’ve been too caught up in yourself for a while that you failed to …commit your ways before him….because in vain the builders will build if the lord God buildeth not….and his ways are above your ways just as his thoughts are above your thoughts…..why don’t you allow God who can do all to be the leader and project manager, supervisor, and all you ever worry to be…..and enjoy the ride to success forthwith…… pray with me….lord Jesus, Good morning, thank you for a beautiful day, thank you because I know and believe you can strengthen me to do all things. I’m sorry if I’ve been trying so hard to be self sufficient, I realize it only takes my willingness for you to help me…..henceforth, I give myself, my selfworth and my life’s work to you. Thank you Lord for making me a success.

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